"You Need to Lose Weight"

Heyy guys! How's it going? What's cookin' good lookin'? (Again: you're complimented if you read my blog (shameless promotion, I know))

I wanted to talk about something important today: body types.
And more importantly, thin people. Let me make this clear: thin/fat/pudgy/normal/busty/WHATEVER.
It's really not that important. What's important is that we respect each, and understand that it's okay to be anything.
You don't have to be anything if it makes you unhappy.

But this is important to say: thin people.
All my life, I've been told crap things like "You need to gain weight!" or "You're too thin to be healthy!" or "Look at those boney arms, it's awful!" or some variation of either.

People have to understand, that ust as you cannot blatantly tell someone to lose weight, you cannot tell anyone to gain weight.
Being underweight and scrawny is NOT a blessing.
Telling me I'm a human stick won't make me smile. Comparing yourself to me is NOT how to make friends with me. Telling me I'm as light as a feather only makes me remember the dissatisfied clicks my doctor made every year as he filled up the height/weight index.
Being underweight is NOT a blessing.
It's hours of staring in the mirror, watching how your ribs show when yu inhale normally, wondering why you can't be as tall or as nice rounded off as everyone else.

Don't get me wrong though, it's not a curse either.
It's like all other body types: there are pros and cons to it!
But when you idolize it, or condone it, things become bad for the people living with it.

So here's my PSA (sort of, more like rant) It's like any other body type, and it's not a curse or a blessing. It's not something to be worshipped or glorified.

So please, stop treating it like either, and be comfortable with who you are. Concentrate on what makes you YOU. Make it about your opinions, about what makes you laugh, and how you're going to change the world. Not which dress you fit into.

You're amazing. Whichever way you are. It really doesn't matter.

Bye. <3

About the author


1 comment:

  1. This is something I have always agreed with. But for me it was being overweight, anyway nice to see someone understands


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