New Blog Ideas Coming Soon!

Hello anybody that reads my blog!
(Since y'all don't comment - and I don't know that you're not robots, I have no way of gauging what you want)

Okay, so basically I've realized something: My blog is place where I give myself literary challenges. So hy not give myself more? That's why I've got a ton of new ideas for stuff that will make it easier for me to write, but also challenge myself to come up with something.


1. Six word Stories, Ten word Poems, etc. etc. 
This is fun! I'm a Tumblr user ( and often I see six word stories or ten word poems, and I think it's a challenging way to express ideas and also, it's really hard to come up with something that fits in six words! Or ten word poems for that matter. Gah. I will eat my proverbial hat if I can get through this without gnashing my teeth and wanting to murder at least 5 different people. (Creators of these English challenges, you'll be one of the first people I curse if I do this).

2. Short stories!
In how long have I not written a short story? That's right, you don't remember. I should write more. More, as in, one per month. In fact, that's the only thing I muster up the courage to write. Long stories are haaard. Which is why it's my next challenge.

3. At LEAST One actual story!
Yeah, I have an idea for a story. It's cool. It's got cool deatails. I think I can write it. Maybe I'll post chapters? I'm fleshing out the character details. It'sll be FUN. :D

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