Feel Good Fridays: The Hour Long Shower (60 Minutes That Can Change You)

Hey party people!

So I've been noticing lately that I have a low self - esteem and that I haven't been doing anything to up it for a while other than looking in a mirror and almost fainting from shock (Am I that ugly!? Old me would go no shit, but new me after feel good friday's will go with...nah, I guess not)

So, I invented something that makes me feel better! Feel Good Fridays: The Hour Long Shower

So, basically, every Friday that I am home alone having no life, I will do something that makes me feel better apart from looking at cat pictures on the internet. So, last Friday, I had an hour long shower because I was feeling ugly.
(Also, I hadn't showered before school. 'Twas a first for me. Never again. Ew.)

SO. ANYWAYS. I put on a pair of old shorts, and a tank top, shut my room door and turned up the music. Not soft, lovey dovey music, but all my rock music and dance pop music that has no-shit lyrics (that are kinda bad). And I danced. I put on a face mask and put away any mirrors and just danced. And sang. I tore my throat out in break up songs and twerked my butt of while amaturely twerking to the only Skrillex remix I have. And I had fun! I played music that made me feel beautiful, on top of the world and happy. I didn't care what anyone would think of me for doing so, and for once, not giving a crap about others and not being in front of them was SUPER DUPER FUN.

This continued on for maybe half an hour or an hour until I was sweating like crazy. Then, I switched on my shower, washed my hair, scrubbed my body with the best body wash I had and then changed into a pair of cute PJs and a shirt my friends in my previous school (who I was missing) had signed. And for the rest of the time until dinner, I felt so good, it was crazy, and I couldn't stop smiling. That shower gave me the energy to stay up until 3am in the morning and that's when I worked on this blog! It really got my creative senses flowing and I was motivated to do something, and I did something that I had been vowing to work on for so long - my blog!

So it turned out good for all of us didn't it?
Think about doing this sometime!
I'm going to do something entirely new next Friday because it was such a great idea! I feel so much better now even by just revisiting the memory! :)

Loads of Love, (lol that wasn't meant to be lol)

About the author



  1. That sounds like something I do too once in a while! I didn't try twerking though since I do not understand how to make your body move like that :P

    1. Notice the word "tried" in front of it. :P I tried. But it hurt my butt so I moved on to something else :P


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