Songs That Pull At Your Heartstrings: How To Save A Life
Hello there my gorgeous gals!
Let me not even try. This song is so sad, it BROKE my heart strings(Thanks, The Fray. I love you but I hate you). But I'm betting you, you've heard this song before: it broke the record for digital downloads that "Fix You" by Coldplay had set(I know that because I obsessed over this song for the longest time. Longer than healthy.).
So, let's just say that as a general trend, all of the songs that I am considering for this are sad. Because happy songs are, let's face it, not that great in the "deep-ness" or the feels department. Plus, I don't listen to as much mainstream music as I think others do, so you're going to have to deal with my sad rock bands and non-mainstream Finnish bands (you'll hear about them soon enough).
So, this song, as all good songs do, starts off with a slow piano melody. The reason it pulls at my heartstrings though is because even though it's a simple melody, it's got this elegantly sad tone to it that repeats over and over again. When you hear it for the first time, you can't understand it. But listen to the song a few times, when you hear the piano melody, your heart will already begin to melt. The way the lead singer sings, you can hear that he wants to scream out loud, that he lost a friend, but he just doesn't have it in him anymore. Until he regrets it, and gets (sort of) angry at himself in the chorus. The way he sings the chorus just about rips my heartstrings off, and then tears them into pieces. I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach and chest that is a pleasurable pain (I know I should be in a mental home. But I need to finish school too, ya know). The way his voice swings and doesn't exactly go along with the beat is totally real life. Someone who has lost a friend to depression and drugs doesn't sing in time, and doesn't always feel happy.
In summation: Find something you love and let it kill you. I.e.: This song.
I would tell you to shave a squirrel, but someone else has, so that wouldn't be funny,